What Home Repair Tasks Are You Letting Slide

What Home Repair Tasks Are You Letting Slide?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The lights need to go up, the tree needs to come out of the attic, and you have fifteen different parties to go to for just this week. The holidays are a busy time in most homeowner’s lives, and you likely feel like you have about a dozen things that need doing at any given […]

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Does Your Home Have Enough Insulation?

Does Your Home Have Enough Insulation?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The holidays are, unfortunately enough, rarely an easy time on anyone’s wallets. Between travel expenses, entertainment expenses for hosting or attending holiday parties, and of course the seemingly never ending list of people you may feel obligated to purchase gifts for, it can often feel like your bank account is slowly being drained right before […]

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What Are Ice Dams

What are Ice Dams?

Reading Time: 2 minutes With cold weather fully upon us and official winter swiftly approaching, homeowners have to be aware of a whole slew of issues that come tied to the season. With rising heating bills and harsher weather, it’s a time to keep an eye on the kind of winter maintenance that not only keeps your bills low, […]

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How Your Roof Could Kill You

How Your Roof Could Kill You

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re sorry for the dramatic title, but the truth is, there are some crucial issues with your roof that, if not caught early, could lead to serious damage to your home and yes, possibly kill someone.    Roof issues are a dangerous intersection of home maintenance and upkeep issues because it’s common for most homeowners […]

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The Horrors of an Unkept Roof

The Horrors of an Unkept Roof

Reading Time: 2 minutes With Halloween season in full gear, we think it’s an excellent time to tell you about the most terrifying of horror stories, the Horror of the Unkept Roof!   Not so long ago, in a neighborhood just like yours, there lived a homeowner. The homeowner was happy with their home and their life, believing everything […]

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How Roof Repairs Can Save You Money This Winter

How Roof Repairs Can Save You Money This Winter

Reading Time: 2 minutes Homeownership is an often fraught and stressful state in life. You can easily become overwhelmed with the amount of repairs and maintenance that’s needed throughout the year, and there’s so many things that if you miss them, could turn into even larger issues, leaving you facing catastrophic repairs and unexpected debt.  This means you’ll often […]

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roofer in cincinnati

New Heights Commercial

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s the hottest new thing on the airwaves! All the kids are playing it, when it comes on the radio, people stop their conversation to listen to it. We’ve even heard of a few crazy cats that have been dancing to it! (okay, not really, but it’s a fun visual to imagine) New Heights Roofing […]

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Why You Should or Shouldn't Sit on Your Roof

Why you should (or Shouldn’t) Sit on your roof

Reading Time: 2 minutes As the temperatures finally begin to drop around Cincinnati and summer heat eventually leaves us behind, we find more and more homeowners trying to get outside and enjoy these last few months before winter cold steps in to chase us indoors for the remainder of the year. Whether it’s sitting on your front porch or […]

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Roofing Warning Signs You Need to Be Aware Of

Roofing Warning Signs You Need to Be Aware Of

Reading Time: 3 minutes Chances are, you don’t spend a whole lot of time up on your roof. Most homeowners spend the majority of their time not paying much in the way of attention for the roof that’s over their heads. For some more cognizant homeowners, they may do a periodic check in the spring or fall, going into […]

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What to do in a Roofing Emergency

What to do in a Roofing Emergency

Reading Time: 3 minutes Roofing troubles are always a serious problem for your home, but there is a certain class of roofing issues that stand out from the rest. Roofing emergencies are dramatic occasions of roof damage that, if they aren’t addressed properly, can lead to significant damage to the rest of your home.    What is a roofing […]

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