How to Identify Dangers to Your Roof

Your home is quite likely your largest and most important financial asset. Even if it also represents a significant percentage of your debt, your home grants a certain degree of stability that many other people simply can’t afford. But with the benefits of having a home come the risks of covering damage, and one of the most costly damages your home can fall victim to is roof damage, particularly since roof problems can so quickly lead to further damages throughout your home. This makes it crucial that as a homeowner, you are aware of and watching for possible risks to your roof and working to mitigate them on a regular basis. Here are some of the most common risks you need to watch out for.



Having trees growing around your home can be an excellent benefit. By providing shade, they allow you more control over your cooling costs in the summer, and can be aesthetically pleasing. However, they can also create increased maintenance needs as well as risks to your roof. Falling leaves or pine needles make up the majority of most detritus clogging up gutters on homes, and if they’re left sitting on your roof they become an excellent seeding point for the growth of mold and algae that eats away at the organic components of your roof. Of course, the more dramatic risk comes from falling limbs. A tree that’s fallen victim to parasites or diseases can be especially risky for large branches to die and fall off, but a strong storm or a cold snap can create a “widowmaker” branch out of almost any tree. Hire a trained arborist to keep trees pruned back from your home to mitigate risks, and address damage or illness in any tree around your home quickly before it can spread. 


Standing water

Water is one of the most crucial components for life, without it you can die of dehydration in days. But it’s also a powerful force for damage to your home. Standing water on your roof serves as both a risk for roof damage and as a possible sign of roof damage that’s already occurred. Water left sitting on your roof wears away at shingles and even decking, and can cause rot in some extreme cases. Address issues that lead to standing water like clogged gutters or ice dams on your roof quickly and properly to prevent long term issues.  Standing water could also indicate sagging and uneven spots in your roof, indicating significant damage that’s already present. If you notice your roof isn’t properly draining and a clear blockage cause isn’t observable, contact a professional for a roof inspection.



Wildlife can be welcome around the home. Birds have a lovely song in the morning or evening, even squirrels can be fun to watch as they run back and forth across the yard driving your dogs nuts. Wildlife can also post a risk to your home though. If you notice birds, squirrels, or other pests collecting on your roof, it may represent a hazard in need of attention. Pests can eat away at some roof components, or cause increased wear and tear on shingles when they’re attracted by seeds and other organic debris that gets stuck on your roof. Similar to water, a high presence of pests could indicate damage already present on your roof. If moderate sized holes are present in your roof or screening has been removed from venting, they may be making their home in these cavities in your home, leading to further damage. Inspect your attic or crawlspace to ensure infestation is caught and addressed early, and contact animal control specialists if an infestation needs addressed. 

Keeping your home in good repair and helping your roof last as long as possible are always going to be assisted by a vigilant homeowner. While you can’t prevent and catch every possible roof risk, you can keep them to a minimum. If you have concerns about your roof, our expert staff stands at the ready to be your partner in protecting your home. Contact us for a visit today!

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